At GCCTC, we are proud of our dedicated and diverse team of passionate individuals committed to advancing gender equality and climate justice. Our team consists of experts in the fields of gender studies, climate change, policy advocacy, community engagement, and research. Together, we bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to tackle the complex challenges at the intersection of gender and climate change.

Our team is driven by a shared vision of creating a more inclusive and sustainable future. We collaborate closely with our partners and stakeholders to drive meaningful change and advocate for gender-responsive climate policies and programs. With a deep understanding of the unique experiences and vulnerabilities faced by women and marginalized groups, we work tirelessly to empower communities, foster resilience, and ensure that no one is left behind in the face of climate change.

Through our collective expertise, passion, and dedication, we strive to make a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and communities. Together, we are committed to building a more equitable and sustainable world, where gender equality is at the forefront of climate action.

Board Members  

Laetitia Petro

Founding Member

Fortunata Manyeresa

Founding Member

Mathias Lyamunda

Founding Member

Sophia Donald

Founding Member


Founding Member

The Secretariat Team  

Maria Matui

National Coordinator

Frida Peter

Administration Support

Kibacha Singo

Artist Technical Adviser and Mentor