Waziri Jafo, Waziri wa Denmark waweka nguvu kukabiliana na mabadiliko ya tabianchi
Kuongezeka kwa kina cha maji ya bahari kumechangia mafuriko ya mara kwa mara yanayoikumba mikoa ya pwani na hivyo kusababisha mmomonyoko wa udongo na upotevu wa fukwe.
Waziri wa Nchi Ofisi ya Makamu wa Rais (Muungano na Mazingira) Mhe. Dkt. Selemani Jafo ameliarifu Bunge jijini Dodoma leo Aprili 05, 2024 wakati akijibu swali la Mbunge wa Moshi Vijijini Prof. Patrick Ndakidemi aliyetaka kufahamu kama kuna ukweli kina cha maji ya Bahari ya Hindi nchini kimeongezeka kutokana na mabadiliko ya tabianchi na nini athari zake.
Dkt. Jafo amesema kuwa kuongezeka kwa maji ya bahari kunasababishwa na kupanda kwa joto la dunia kutokana na kuendelea kuyeyuka kwa barafu katika maeno mbalimbali ya duniani.
Amesema kuwa utafiti na vipimo vilivyopo maji ya Bahari ya Hindi katika pwani ya Dar es Salaam unaeleleza kuwa maji yanaongezeka kwa wastani wa kiasi cha milimita 6 kwa mwaka tangu mwaka 2002.
Kwa mujibu wa Waziri Jafo, upotevu wa bioanuwai muhimu ikiwemo mikoko na nyasi bahari ambavyo ni sehemu ya hifadhi ya mazingira ni miongoni mwa madhara ya kuongezeka kwa kina cha bahari.
Ametaja madhara mengine kuwa kupotea kwa ardhi na kuwaacha wananchi bila ya makazi na kushindwa kufanya shughuli za kilimo kutokana na changamoto na changamoto ya kuongezeka kwa kiwango cha bahari.
Waziri Dkt. Jafo ameongeza kuwa visima vya maji baridi mbali na kuingiwa na maji ya chumvi pia miundombinu ikiwemo barabara, gati za bandari na majengo hubomolewa na maji hayo.
Kwa upande mwingine Waziri Jafo Serikali inaendelea kutoa elimu kuhusu umuhimu wa kuhifadhi mazingira kuzunguka Mlima Kilimanjaro ili kulinda barafu isipate changamoto.
Akijibu swali la Mbunge wa Viti Maalumu Mhe. Shally Raymond, Dkt. Jafo amepongeza Wakala wa Huduma za Misitu Tanzania (TFS) kwa kuzalisha na kugawa miche kwa jamii ambayo inapandwa na kurejesha uoto wa asili.
Awareness session on Gender Mainstreaming in Climate Change Strategies in Songea Ruvuma Region
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Popularasing Gender in Climate Cang Strategies awareness raisining in Rurar Morogoro
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Katika kuunga mkono mkakati wa kitaifa wa kukabiliana na mabadiliko ya Tabia Nchi wa mwaka 2021 – 2026 mashirika 6 yanayojihusisha na utunzaji wa mazingira na tabia nchi ya jijini Mwanza yameanza kampeni ya kubadilisha tabia za wananchi katika utunzaji wa mazingira kwa ujumla.
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When looking at a woman, consider how climate change affects her similarly to a man. When drought occurs, women may walk long distances for water, and likewise, men are required to increase financial support for the family if crop yields affected due to insufficient rainfall, leading to a rise in food prices in the market,” stated Mr. Ngussa Buyamba, the Environmental Officer of Magu District, during a climate change discussion held in Mwanza after a press meeting.
Swahili Version; “Unapomwangalia Mwanamke, muangalie kwa kuzingatia athari za mabadiliko ya Tabia Nchi yanavyomuathiri vivyo hivyo kwa Mwanaume”
“unapotokea ukame wakinamama wanatembea umbali mrefu kufuata maji lakini Mwanaume atahitajika pia kupandisha kiwango cha kuhudumia familia kifedha endapo mazao ya chakula hayajastawi kutokana na uhaba wa mvua na kupelekea vyakula kupanda bei sokoni.” Amesema Afisa Mazingira wilaya ya Magu Bw. Ngussa Buyamba katika mjadala wa mabadiliko ya Tabia Nchi uliofanyika jijini Mwanza mara baada ya Mkutano na wahandishi wa habari.
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Terms of Reference for Strategic Plan Development Gender and Climate Change (T) Coalition GCCTC Time Frame November – January 2023
Project Title: Strategic Plan for Gender and Climate Change Coalition Tanzania
Background: The Gender and Climate Change Coalition Tanzania is committed to addressing the gender-related aspects of climate change in the region. To fulfill its mission, the Coalition seeks to develop a comprehensive and actionable strategic plan that will guide its activities in the coming years.
Objectives: The primary objectives of this Terms of Reference are: To define the scope, purpose, and timeline of the strategic planning process. To establish the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders involved in the development of the strategic plan. To provide a clear roadmap for the creation of a practical and results-oriented strategic plan.
Scope of Work: The strategic planning process will encompass the following key activities:
a. Preparation Phase: Conduct a thorough review of the current mission, vision, and goals of the Gender and Climate Change Coalition Tanzania. Assess the external and internal factors impacting the Coalition’s work. Identify key stakeholders and engage them in the planning process.
b. Analysis and Goal Setting: Identify and prioritize strategic goals and objectives. Develop strategies and action plans to achieve these goals. Ensure that gender considerations are integrated into all aspects of the plan. c. Monitoring and Evaluation: Develop a system for monitoring progress and evaluating the impact of the strategic plan. Define key performance indicators (KPIs) and a framework for data collection and reporting.
d. Resource Allocation: Develop a budget for the implementation of the strategic plan. Identify potential funding sources and partnerships to support the plan.
e. Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with key stakeholders, including government bodies, NGOs, CSOs, and community representatives, to ensure their input is considered.
Deliverables: The following deliverables are expected at the end of the strategic planning process: A comprehensive strategic plan document outlining the mission, vision, goals, objectives, and action plans. A monitoring and evaluation framework. A budget for implementing the strategic plan. A stakeholder engagement report.
Timeline: The strategic planning process should be completed within [insert timeframe] from the date of project initiation.
Reporting and Communication: Regular updates on the progress of the strategic planning process will be provided to the Gender and Climate Change Coalition Tanzania’s steering committee. Communication should be transparent and timely.
Review and Approval: The strategic plan will be reviewed and approved by the Gender and Climate Change Coalition Tanzania’s governing body.
Budget: Funding for the development of the strategic plan will be allocated as per the budget developed during the planning process. Payment will be made in two instalments 60% and 40% to account provided by the consultant
Application Kindly send in your application to info@gcctc.or.tz